How much do we know about suicide, and why don’t we want to know more?

How many types of suicide are there? How many people kill themselves by not eating properly? Why do all cultures hide suicide? Do you become suicidal, or are born one? Is it destiny? Is it genes? Is it explainable? Is it moral, immoral or a-mmoral?

Is there a process to suicide? Are there social protocols? Does it have any positive impact? How do you prepare? Is there impulse suicide? Is it a process? Is suicide suicide, for a suicidal person? How many drafts do you do, before you are happy with your suicide letter?

Is it suicide, when a captain that refuses to abandon ship? Is going to war suicide? Does it bring happiness? Is it an EXIT? Is it worth?

If you know anything interesting about suicide, or want to collaborate on this project, drop me a line here below.

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